Board of Education Home Page
Manhasset Board of Education 2024/2025
Steven Panzik, President 3rd year Trustee Term Ends: June 30, 2025 Liaison to: MAAC, CAC Audit, EOC and SCA |
Ted Post, Vice President 2nd year as Trustee Term Ends: June 30, 2026 Liaison to: CAC Finance and CAC Audit |
Nadia Giannopoulos, Ed.D., Trustee 3rd year as Trustee Term Ends: June 30, 2025 Liaison to: PASE, CASA, EOC, and Policy |
Marianna Bruno, PharmD, MPH, MBA, Trustee 1st year as Trustee Term Ends: June 30, 2027 Liaison to: CASA, Tower Foundation, and Policy |
Maria Pescatore, Trustee 1st year as Trustee Term Ends: June 30, 2027 Liaison to: SCA, PASE, CAC Finance, Tower Foundation, MAAC and Policy |
- Mission
We recognize each child as an individual with the potential to achieve their personal best. We are committed to guiding our students on their unique educational journeys by nurturing their abilities and encouraging a growth mindset, while challenging and supporting their academic development and fostering their social-emotional and physical well-being. We celebrate diversity, an inclusive learning environment, and respect for others as important components in developing global citizens.
- Vision
We prepare each student for a continuously changing world by cultivating passion for discovery, creativity in solving problems, wisdom in making decisions, a willingness to take measured risks, and perseverance in the face of adversity. We foster independent thinkers who work collaboratively, respect each other’s individuality, and embody integrity, honesty, empathy and compassion. Our students will be able to succeed today, with the self-confidence, motivation and resiliency to succeed tomorrow.
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How Board Meetings are Conducted
Board meetings are designed to enable the Board to conduct its mandatory and routine business as efficiently as possible.
The order of business at regular Board meetings is generally:
· Approval of Minutes
· Student / Staff Recognition
· Student Matters / Curriculum / Superintendent’s Report
· Presentations
· Discussions
·Policy Review/Board Committee Reports
· Personnel
· Consent Agenda - routine matters that are not expected to generate discussion
· Open Time / Public Comment
Members of the public are welcome to address the Board on any agenda item as the item is being considered. Items not on the agenda may be raised by members of the public during open time. The agenda may be accessed 48 hours prior to the scheduled meeting on the District website.
At Board meetings, the Superintendent has the right to speak on all matters before the Board but does not vote. A Student Delegate to the Board, selected from the senior class, attends all public meetings as a non-voting Board member and may speak on any item of business.
Broadcasting & Taping Meetings
The use of any tape recording device at public meetings of the Board of Education is permissible as long as the device is unobtrusive and does not distract from the true deliberative process of the Board. The Board President must be informed prior to the meeting that such recordings will be made and will advise all present that the meeting is being recorded.
Schedule of Meetings
Regular Board meetings are typically held on the third Thursday of each month in the Community Room, in the District Office and the business portion generally begins at 7:30 pm. Meetings are listed in the District calendar, on the District’s website, and on at the District Office Building.
Executive Session
The Open Meetings Law calls for Board meetings to be open to the public. Under certain circumstances executive sessions may be held at which only Board members and others invited by the Board may be present. With certain limited exceptions, the Board may not vote and take any official action in executive session without first returning to public session for a formal vote.
The vote to go into executive session requires a majority vote of the full Board which must be taken at an open Board meeting. The motion must specify the subject(s) to be discussed in executive session. These topics may include, but are not limited to, public safety, litigation, collective negotiations pursuant to Article 14 of the Civil Service Law (the “Taylor Law”), personnel matters, or certain real estate transactions.
Board-Appointed Committees
New York State law requires the Board to establish an Audit Committee which shall be an advisory committee that reviews and advises the Board on matters related to the District's independent annual audit and the internal audit function.
The Board annually appoints community members to Citizens Advisory Committees on Athletics and Finance. The function of Citizens Advisory Committees shall be to observe, investigate, advise, or make recommendations, as charged by the Board.
The duties of the Audit Committee and each Citizens Advisory Committee are described in specific Board-approved bylaws. Residents are encouraged to serve on these committees.
If you are interested in serving on one of these committees, please contact the District Clerk at 267-7724 or by email at
Board Responsibilities
New York Education Law outlines a school board’s general powers and duties. The primary function of the Board is to develop policies which govern the control, operation and maintenance of the Manhasset Public Schools.
The Bylaws of the Board of Education of the Manhasset Public Schools contain the fundamental principles that outline the purpose, structure and limits of the Board, how the Board should conduct its business and also define the duties and responsibilities of its officers and members. Board members have a duty to maintain confidentiality. Individual Board members shall have authority only when they are acting as part of the Board in legal session.
The Board shall oversee the District’s affairs, personnel and properties, including appointing the Superintendent. The Board does not engage in the day-to-day management of the District’s operations. Carrying out policies, managing District affairs, and implementing the educational programs shall be the responsibilities of the Superintendent and the District administration.
Annual School Board Election and
District Budget Vote
The Board must hold the Annual School Board Election and District Budget Vote (formally known as the Annual District Meeting) so that qualified residents may vote on the proposed school budget.
The Budget is the financial operating plan for running the school district and is the legal basis for establishing the school tax levy.
Each year, the Superintendent’s preliminary budget is presented to the Board and the community at a working session for a comprehensive discussion in the spring of each year. Following this working session and prior to the adoption of a proposed budget, the Board schedules public hearings where the community is encouraged to comment.
The adopted budget is presented to the community for voter approval on the third Tuesday in May as mandated by New York State law. The election of Board members and other propositions, as necessary, are submitted to the voters on the same day.
Are You Registered to Vote?
You must be registered to vote in the Annual School Board Election and District Budget Vote.
If you need to register to vote, please contact the District Clerk at 267-7724.
Attending A Board Meeting
We appreciate your interest in and concern for our schools. Attending a Board meeting will allow you to better understand how our district operates and how the Board’s decisions affect the community and the education of our children. The Board welcomes community residents, teachers and staff members, students and other interested persons to attend its meetings and to participate in the process of governance. The Board can better represent its constituents when members of the community take the time to observe the Board in action, to express opinions and to ask questions.
Public Participation at Meetings
An individual who wishes to address the Board may do so by:
- Writing to the Board in advance of the meeting.
- Correspondence requesting that an item or issue be placed on the agenda of a scheduled Board meeting may be sent to the Board by email or by mail. At its discretion, the Board will determine whether the correspondence is to be placed on an upcoming agenda of a regular Board meeting.
- Speaking during Public Comment on an item that is on the agenda, prior to the Board taking a vote on that agenda item.
- Questions and comments should be confined to the item immediately under discussion.
- Speaking during Open Time on any item that is or is not on the agenda.
- At all times, the presiding Board officer shall have the discretion to determine the amount of time available for public discussion.
More specific guidance on public participation at Board meetings may be found in the Bylaws of the Board of Education of the Manhasset Public Schools on the District website.
Do You Have A Concern?
The Board welcomes your communication on any issue.
Please email the Board at:
or address your written correspondence to:
Manhasset Board of Education
200 Memorial Place
Manhasset, NY 11030