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Board of Education Disclaimer 

The MUFSD Web is the official website of the Manhasset Union Free School District.  The material contained within the electronic pages of the MUFSD Web is for use of the school district community.  We make every effort to ensure that no offensive or inappropriate material will be published on the site; however, we have no control over the constantly changing landscape of the Internet.  If you see questionable material on this site or any linked sites, please e-mail the webmaster at  MUFSD Web disclaims any responsibility for inaccuracy/omissions of information contained on this site or sites to which it provides outside links.  Reference to any commercial product or service does not constitute an endorsement thereof.  This site may contain links to third-party web sites, and third parties may provide links to this Site.  Any links on the Site are provided solely as a convenience to users and not as an endorsement by the School District of the content on such third-party web sites, or any affiliation or association with its operators.  The School District is not responsible for the content of linked third-party sites, including without limitation any link contained in a linked site, or any changes or updates to a linked site, does not make any representations regarding the content or accuracy of the material on such third-party web sites.  If you decide to access linked third-party web sites, you do so at your own risk.  Your use of third-party sites is subject to the Terms and Conditions of use for such sites. 

The original content of MUFSD Web is copyrighted and may not be used, except for educational purposes, without permission of the webmaster.