Chromebook One to One Initiative
What's a Chromebook?
Chromebooks are a class of computer that is browser based meaning that its applications reside on the Internet rather than a local hard drive. Students can connect to their schoolwork through the learning management system Canvas, ClassLink, or VMWare (click here for more information)
Thanks to the great generosity of the Manhasset Tower Foundation, the School District began using Chromebooks in the fall of 2015. The Tower Foundation provided fudnig for class sets of Chromebooks to all Secondary School English Language Arts classrooms. The Tower Foundation also funded a second Chromebook rollout for all sixth grade classrooms in the 2016-17 school year.
One to One Initiative
In 2014 the Manhasset Tower Foundation donated a classroom set of Chromebooks to every Secondary School ELA classroom. This donation greatly increased the time students could devote to the writing process and allowed for more collaborative feedback from teachers through the use of Google Docs and Google Classroom.
In 2015 the Tower Foundation made another donation which provided a classroom set of Chromebooks to all sixth grade classrooms throughout the District. In 2016 the District increased the number of Chromebooks to include fifth grade classrooms.
In 2017 the District further expanded its Chromebook initiative having carts of Chromebooks shared between third and fourth grades at Munsey Park and Shelter Rock!
In 2018 the District updated their model to provide 1 Chromebook cart for every classroom grades 3 - 6 as well as Chromebook carts in every ELA, Social Studies and Science classroom in grades 7 -12.
Change for 2020-21
The 1:1 program has significantly changed in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Each student in grades three through twelve and those students who are on the "full remote" schedule have been assigned a Chromebook that travels with them back and forth to school and home. This insures that students are not sharing devices used by other students and provides them with a school issued device for any portion of their instruction that must take place from home.
Insurance Option
Such regular transport will likely result in greater damage to these devices than when they were housed within classrooms and did not go home. All parents signed a Student/Parent laptop agreement(policy 8830-E ) agreeing to take responsibility of the cost of repair or replacement if the device is damaged, lost, or stolen. The cost of replacing a Chromebook is approximately $360. Manhasset is now adding an option for parents to purchase insurance for their device through Worth Avenue Group. A portal has been set up for Manhasset here .
Students in grades kindergarten - two have a specific device issued to them that only they use each day. In the event of a school shutdown, students will bring these Chromebooks home or be ale to have someone pick them up at each school building.