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NWEA / MAP Growth Information for Parents

NWEA / MAP Growth Overview

NWEA / Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) Growth is a nationally-normed computer-adaptive assessment that helps teachers check student performance by measuring achievement and growth in reading and math. The assessment is administered in the fall, winter, and spring to grades K-6. Teachers can use results to monitor students' progress, tailor classroom lessons, and personalize and differentiate learning for students.

We adminster this assessment because we believe that children have the potential to achieve their personal best when their parents, teachers, and administrators can accurately measure students’ skills and knowledge, as well as how much they have grown over time. NWEA / MAP Growth provides one data point among multiple measures, and serves to enhance teaching practices. It is not used as criterion for acceleration or enrichment.


How to access your child's report:

NWEA Student Progress Reports are uploaded to the Manhasset Parent Portal. First, log on to the portal and click on your child’s identification number. Click on the "Assessments" tab at the top of page, then click on the blue tab, “Parent Assessment Reports.” When you are directed to the Student Portfolio page, you can access the performance reports by selecting the tab titled, “NWEA - MAP Student Progress Report."

Please navigate the tabs (on the left) for more details and resources.


NWEA Student Progress Report