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Understanding your child's NWEA Report

How can I use this information to help my child? Talk to your child's teacher. Here are some questions that you can ask:

- Do the NWEA/MAP Growth scores affirm or challenge the teacher's observations and assessment of my child?

- What types of strategies are the teachers using that I may be able to reinfore at home?

- Does my child need extra help in any specific areas?

- How can I help my child's academic growth from home?

- How do you measure my child's learning in your classroom?

- When will my child's progress be measured again, and when can I get an update on my child's academic growth?

- How is my child doing in comparison to grade-level expectations?

- What will my child be working on to oncinue growing or to grow towards a mastery of grade-level standards? 


We welcome additional questions regarding your child’s progress.  Please contact the following individuals with your comments and concerns:


Contact Information

For help with:

Your child’s teacher


Your child’s learning profile and specific strengths/concerns in the classroom.

Your child’s principal

Munsey Park: Dr. Chad Altman


Shelter Rock: Ms. Jessica Zimmer

Testing administration questions.  General concerns.

Ms. Ryan Aliperti

Administrator of Assessment and Data Analysis

Interpretation of test reports or testing administration inquiries.

Brendan McGowan

District Coordinator of English Language Arts and Reading

Questions about the ELA program or specific skill concerns.

Ms. Lauren Tallarine

District Coordinator of Mathematics and Business

Questions about the math program or specific skill concerns.

Dr. Rebecca Chowske

Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum & Instruction

General comments/questions.