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Michael O’Connell

District Coordinator for

Science and Technology

Manhasset Public Schools

200 Memorial Place

Manhasset, NY 11030

(516)267-7560 Fax: (516)267-7562


The mission of the Manhasset Science Department is to create knowledgeable, scientifically literate, and technologically capable problem solvers.  By fostering a spirit of inquiry, nurturing our students’ curiosity, and bringing current, relevant and real-world science into the classroom experience, we prepare our students to become educated citizens capable of comprehending and analyzing global issues. This prepares our students not only for higher education, but for life in general.

 The Manhasset Technology Program incorporates the project-based aspects of the Project Lead The Way curriculum. This curriculum brings 21st Century engineering principles to middle school students.

Science and Technology

K-6 Program

Manhasset’s K-6 science education centers on fundamental instruction in all areas of science using a variety of hands-on activities and student centered learning. Students are introduced to a wide range of topics including matter, energy & motion, light & sound, astronomy, plants & animals, ecology, simple machines, and weather. They gain a foundation of knowledge in the physical, life, earth & space sciences. This foundation prepares them to explore these topics in greater detail and at a higher level of rigor in the secondary school.

The K-6 Health curriculum uses  THE GREAT BODY SHOP, which is a fully comprehensive health curriculum that meets the needs and standards of school districts across the country. It includes topics that cover all aspects of physical, mental, social, emotional health and safety.

Elementary Science Sequence

Grades 7-12

Manhasset’s 7-12 science education begins with a physical science overview in 7th grade, followed by a sequence of regents level and AP courses. The typical pathway would take a student through Living Environment, Earth Science, Chemistry, and Physics, in that order. All of these subjects have multiple levels of offerings, most often including both Honors and AP levels. All six science AP courses that are recognized by the College Board are available as offerings for qualified students.  There is also an AP Intensive Pathway that is offered to a very small number of students beginning in 7th grade. A flow chart of the pathways can be found below.

 Manhasset also has a well-developed and comprehensive research program. Students may progress through three levels of science research, eventually culminating in the STS Prep course as seniors. All research courses are offered as one credit electives. 

Science Sequence


7-12 Technology curriculum

Follows the Project Lead the Way: Gateway to Technology program. The Project Lead the Way curriculum give students a chance to identify problems, find unique solutions, and lead their own learning rather than be passive recipients of information in a question-and-answer, right-or-wrong learning environment. The goal is to get students to understand how their education in science, technology, engineering, and math is relevant to their lives and future careers.

Students cover the Automation & Robotics unit in 7th grade, in which they trace the history, development, and influence of automation and robotics as they learn about mechanical systems, energy transfer, machine automation, and computer control systems. Students use the VEX Robotics® platform to design, build, and program real-world objects such as traffic lights, toll booths, and robotic arms.

Students cover the Design & Modeling unit in 8th grade, in which students apply the design process to solve problems and understand the influence of creativity and innovation in their lives. They work in teams to design a playground and furniture, capturing research and ideas in their engineering notebooks. Using Autodesk® design software, students create a virtual image of their designs and produce a portfolio to showcase their innovative solutions.

Students in HS have the opportunity to take Introduction to Engineering as an elective. In this course students dig deep into the engineering design process, applying math, science, and engineering standards to hands-on projects. They work both individually and in teams to design solutions to a variety of problems using 3-D modeling software, and use an engineering notebook to document their work.