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World Languages and English as a New Language


Mrs. Christina Lang

District Coordinator for World Languages, English as a New Language 

Manhasset Public Schools

200 Memorial Place

Manhasset, NY 11030

(516) 267-7685 


Teaching Assistant for the

World Language ENL Department

Doris Pacak-Joncyk

The greatest achievement for students of world languages is the ability to communicate with confidence in the target language and to develop a foundation for intercultural awareness and international understanding. The World Language faculty recognizes the need to prepare students for success in this increasingly inter-connected and shrinking world and the importance of second language proficiency in creating effective and successful global citizens. In order to help students achieve these goals, the World Language Department is approaching language teaching with techniques and activities designed to facilitate, encourage, and improve the levels of communication and develop a deeper understanding and appreciation for other cultures.

The World Language faculty at Manhasset is implementing the revised NY World Language Standards set forth by New York State.  As stated on the NYS website, the standards reflect the growth and the proficiency levels of the students at each level of Checkpoints. You can find more detailed information about the topics, themes, proficiency ranges and performance indicators by clicking on this NYS link:


English as a New Language

Each year the Manhasset Schools educate many English Language Learners. As we help our ELLs acclimatize and learn the English language, we also encourage them to share their own cultures with us in an effort to develop a deeper understanding of the diverse cultures in the United States and in the world. By sharing their global perspectives in our ENL classrooms and in their academic courses, our ELLs help bring diversity and awareness to our community.

The English as a New Language curriculum is in built in collaboration with mainstream teachers to help ELLs develop appropriate English language skills and master the content being introduced in their mainstream classes. The ENL teachers work diligently to ensure that our ELLs are provided with the support they need in order succeed in their classes and help them achieve the required level of English proficiency needed to exit the ENL program. The NYSESLAT is the only assessment that can determine if a student has reached that level. To enhance our curricula and encourage our students to be active participants in their education, opportunities will be provided to ENL teachers and students to use the latest technological tools.

Link to Frequently Asked Questions:

The following terms will assist you in understanding the English as a New Language program:

  • ELL: English Language Learner
  • ENL: English as a New Language
  • TESOL: Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages
  • NYSESLAT: New York State English as a Second Language Achievement Test
  • NYSITELL: New York State Identification Test for English Language Learners
  • HLQ: Home Language Questionnaire

Currently, at the secondary level, the Manhasset World Languages Department offers opportunities to study French, Italian and Spanish beginning in the 7th grade through the AP level. We also offer Latin I as an elective to our high school students. Students typically take the FLACS Checkpoint A Exam at the end of 8th grade and the FLACS Checkpoint B Exam at the completion of level 3 of the language.Starting in the 2024-2025 school year, Chinese (Mandarin) will be offered to the current 7th graders. These students will continue with a pathway in Chinese and will take the Checkpoint A exam in 8th grade and the Checkpoint B exam in 10th grade.


Click Here for the National Standards for World Languages


Click here for more information about English and Multilingual learners.


Students are required to complete a three-year sequence of the same language and passing of the Regional Checkpoint B assessment in June in order to fulfill Manhasset’s graduation requirement. One high school credit is awarded upon the completion of the 7th and 8th grade sequence in the middle school and passing of the regional Checkpoint A assessment in June.

Regional Assessment for Checkpoint A (middle school)

  • Speaking 30 points
  • Listening 30 points
  • Reading 20 points
  • Writing 20 points

Link to sample Checkpoint A assessments:

Regional Assessment for Checkpoint B (high school)

  • Speaking 24 points
  • Listening 26 points
  • Reading 30 points
  • Writing 20 points

Link to sample Checkpoint B assessments:
