CTLE Hours
All NYS professional and/or permanent certification holders are required to register with NYS TEACH every five years to keep their certification current.
If you are a certificate holder of a:
Permanent or Professional
- Classroom teacher certificate
- Educational leadership certificate
- School Administrator/Supervisor
- School Building leader
- School District leader
- School District Administrator,
- School District Business Leader
- School Business Administrator
- Level III Teaching Assistant certificate
Please log into your TEACH account and choose a registration status. Registration and CTLE Requirements Chart.
As part of the registration process, those who hold a professional certificate will be asked to certify they have completed 100 Continuing Teacher and Leader Education (CTLE) hours. Administrators, teachers and teaching assistants are responsible for completing their hours and maintaining the appropriate CTLE records. In order for hours to be counted towards CTLE, the professional development event must be sponsored by a CTLE approved provider (https://www.highered.nysed.gov/tcert/resteachers/ctlesponsors.html). The professional development event must include appropriate general pedagogy, language acquisition or content related to one’s certification(s).
Continuing Teacher and Leader Education (CTLE) Regulations and Record Keeping Requirement
The Manhasset School District utilizes Frontline (formally known as MyLearningPlan) to maintain all educators professional development activities. Included are District activities such as Superintendent Staff Conference Days, mentor/mentoring activities, workshops and Teacher Center workshops/courses. Also maintained are out-of-district conferences, graduate and in-service course requests, approval and attendance confirmations for all educators.
Completion certificates are available through Frontline for all District and Teacher Center CTLE Hour events for staff members to print once they have confirmed their attendance in Frontline and the appropriate paperwork has been submitted to the Curriculum Office.
All educators are required to retain their CTLA records for at least three years from the end of the registration period in which the CTLE was completed and be available for review by the Department upon request. Teachers and teaching assistants are not required to send documentation of their CTLE clock hours to the NYSED Department for the re-registration process.
Activities permitted for CTLE Hours include:
- Superintendent Conference Days
- Teacher Mentors/Mentoring Program ( up to 30 hours every 5 years)
- District Workshops that focus on: Pedagogy, Language Acquisition and/or content related to their certification area.
- Teacher Center Workshops/Courses related to Pedagogy, Language Acquisition and/or content related to their certification area.
- Colleges/University that are approved CTLE Sponsors
- Nassau BOCES/Wester Suffolk BOCES if an approved CTLE Sponsor
- Out-of-District Approved CTLE Sponsors
The 100 CTLE Hours must include 15% of the professional development related to English Language Learners trainings.
English Language Learners Professional Development
- English to Speakers of other Languages or bilingual extension, professional certificate holder, shall be required to complete a minimum of 50 percent of the required CTLE clock hours in language acquisition aligned with the core content area of instruction taught, including a focus on best practices for co-teaching strategies, and integrating language and content instruction for English language learners.
- All other CTLE certificate holders shall complete a minimum of 15 percent of the required CTLE clock hours dedicated to language acquisition addressing the needs of English language learners, including a focus on best practices for co-teaching strategies, and integrating language and content instruction for such English language learners; and
- Level III teaching assistant certificate holders shall complete a minimum of 15 percent of the required CTLE clock hours dedicated to language acquisition addressing the needs of English language learners and integrating language and content instruction for such English language learners. This plan provides multiple opportunities for ongoing and substantial professional development in order to meet the CTLE requirements and maintain certification.