Meal Balance Refunds
Refund instructions:
If your student is graduating, or leaving the district to attend another school, and has a sibling(s) in attendance at a Manhasset School, their Meal Account Balance will automatically be transferred to one of their siblings at year end.
If your student has no sibling in attendance, or your family is leaving the district, and you would like to request a refund, please
CLICK HERE, to download the refund form in a PDF
CLICK HERE, to download the refund form in WORD
Unclaimed funds remaining after three months shall be transferred to the school meal account, to cover program costs.
Complete the form, sign it, and return using any method below:
Scan or take a clear picture of the completed signed form with your phone, and email it to
Fax to : 516-706-2377
Mail to:
Manhasset UFSD
200 Memorial Place
Manhasset, NY 11030
Attn: Central Office C. DaProcida/Refunds