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Superintendent’s Conference Day

Superintendent’s Conference Day

On Thursday morning, the entire staff of Manhasset Public Schools joined together for an inspiring and energizing kickoff to the new school year filled with smiles, hope and anticipation! 

Superintendent's Conference Day began with breakfast, courtesy of the SCA, where administrators, teachers and support staff reconnected with colleagues and friends and shared stories from the summer break. 

Following breakfast, the team filled the secondary school auditorium for Dr. Passi's presentation, which began by welcoming the Kinsmen, under direction of Mr. Berry, who performed a stirring rendition of the National Anthem. 

Dr. Passi’s remarks began with stories about his family’s summer activities, highlighting the fun times and adventures, as well as the challenges of parenting. These personal moments reminded him of the correlation to teaching and how the mission of educators is more than conveying knowledge, but helping students to develop the essential skills of resiliency, reflection, curiosity and empathy. All of these are elements of a growth mindset. 

After highlighting several powerful moments that reflect the impact that teachers and staff have on students, Dr. Passi was proud to recognize all members of the Manhasset Public School team, including custodians, groundsmen and maintenance teams, teaching assistants, security and supervisory aids, IT staff, nurses, clerical and district office staff, administrators and teachers. “Our district is filled by dedicated people who work tirelessly to make sure that our schools are places where teaching and learning can happen seamlessly,” said Dr. Passi. “Our faculty, staff and administration are invested in nurturing our students through the deep connections they build each day.” 

Dr. Passi continued by acknowledging the newest members of the administration, welcoming them and offering gratitude, confidence and support as they bring their experience and expertise to the District and our students. 

Dr. Passi closed his remarks with the three words that encapsulate the District’s goals and priorities for the upcoming school year: Inspire, Connect and Grow. 

“I want to call on you to Inspire yourself and every child by focusing on bringing joy to your work. Joy is contagious, inspiring those around us to find their own sources of fulfillment and motivation.” 

“Connect by building strong relationships with students and with our partners, their parents.” 

“Grow as professionals and support growth in our students by shifting their mindset from achievement to progress from their own unique starting point.” 

As this uplifting message resonated through the room, the band, orchestra and chorus launched into a joyous version of “New York, New York.” 

Superintendent’s Conference Day came to close with comments from Board of Education Vice President Ted Post, who encouraged the staff to brainstorm new ideas and share those ideas with administration and the Board. He emphasized that the Board is committed to supporting the district’s amazing educators as they continue to bring out the best in our students and they want to make sure they have all the tools necessary to educate and inspire future generations. 
